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Are you a Starseed?

Read below to learn some general information about Starseeds and the top eight traits to help you determine if you may be one of these galactic beings.

At certain points throughout life, we may feel like we just don’t belong. While it’s common to experience this to some extent, if the feeling is chronic, your experience may genuinely be different than that of most people.

A Starseed is an old soul who is wise beyond their years and possesses deep spiritual wisdom. This is a result of having many previous incarnations in various star systems throughout the galaxy. When Starseeds come to earth, they do so to fulfill a divine mission and are specifically here to aid with the planet’s evolution and ascension.

Even though Starseeds intentionally choose to incarnate on earth, once here, they experience complete amnesia of their origin and purpose for incarnation, just like the rest of humanity. Starseeds often have an incredibly challenging time in this life, especially prior to awakening to their divine purpose.

Here are 8 signs that you may be a Starseed:

1. You feel like an alien. The first and most telling sign that you may be a Starseed is that you do not feel like you belong here on earth. You may long to be in a different place similar to feeling homesick, but you don’t understand the root cause of it. You may have moved many times in an attempt to fill this void, but no matter where you go you simply never feel at home. It is also common for Starseeds to experience discomfort due to the density of this 3-dimensional reality; you may be particularly clumsy or feel uncomfortable in your body.

2. You don’t fit in. The second sign that you may be a Starseed relates to the first and it’s that you never really fit in. It may be challenging for you to make friends or relate interpersonally to the people in your life; you even feel like an outsider in your own family. During school you may have been painfully shy and baffled by the actions of others. This can be confusing because on the one hand you have a profound understanding of life and the nature of the universe, yet you’re unable to apply this knowledge to help yourself. Although you may figure out how to get along with people on a surface level, you do not relate to the way they interact, the topics they discuss, or their values and priorities.

3. You are intuitive. The third sign that you may be a Starseed is you are highly intuitive and probably psychic. You can sense a person’s character from a mile away and are always accurate. You can tell if someone is lying and see through their exterior right to the true motive. People often come to you for advice since you are so intuitive. As an old soul, you possess a unique inner knowing of things which makes people deeply value your insight.

4. You find solace (or sadness) in the cosmos. The fourth sign that you may be a Starseed is that you have always had a fascination with the cosmos. You may have been drawn to shows about space or just enjoyed looking up at the stars. If this was not your experience, then you may be like me; instead of finding comfort in the cosmos, it made me feel deeply depressed. I never thought much of my aversion to space until I learned about Starseeds. Now I am able to appreciate the cosmos from a higher perspective, knowing that all is well and it’s ok that I’m incarnated in a different place for now. As crazy as it may seem, this is something I struggled with for a while and had to come to terms with to be at peace.

5. You are empathic. The fifth sign that you may be a Starseed is that you are empathic. Despite feeling like you don’t belong here and have trouble relating to others, you still have immense compassion for people and strong desire to help anyone and everyone. This extends to animals, bugs, plants and even objects; you are repulsed by the idea of animal cruelty and probably follow a plant-based diet. The downside to this high level of compassion is you are likely very sensitive and can feel everyone else’s pain. Sometimes it may even feel as though the burden of the entire world rests on your shoulders simply because you feel the collective energy so strongly.

As a Starseed, it is important to learn how to manage your energy; to do so, you must learn how to differentiate between what is yours versus what is coming from your environment. This is a vast and important topic that I will discuss in its own post.

6. You always ask ‘why,’ The sixth sign that you may be a Starseed is that you question everything and always look beyond face-value. You want to know the ‘why’ of it all and may have begun pondering the purpose of life at a very young age. You will not accept something to be true simply because someone else has said it to be so and must find out for yourself; you are the epidemy of a person who ‘learns lessons the hard way.’ You enjoy reading and acquiring knowledge, particularly in the areas of philosophy, literature, physics, and spirituality.

7. You know you have a greater purpose (even if you don’t know what it is). The seventh sign that you may be a Starseed is that you know you are here for a purpose but cannot pinpoint what it is or why you feel so attached to this idea. You feel this so intensely that it may even keep you up at night sometimes; there is a sense of urgency that you have something to get out into the world and you are called to find out what. You don’t ‘buy in’ to the traditional route of going to school, getting a corporate job, and settling down because you need to make a difference in this world and know that sitting in a cubicle all day is not the way to accomplish it.

8. You prioritize freedom. The eighth sign that you may be a Starseed is that your top priority in life is freedom and you believe that freedom is the only form of happiness. You want to experience life to the fullest capacity and dread the mere thought of being restrained or held back in any way.. The value you place on freedom extends to all people and things, not just your own. You are compelled to stand up for people who are marginalized or have an inability to help themselves.

If this is a new concept to you, it may seem bizarre or perhaps even crazy. However, if the above traits resonate, consider that you may in fact be a Starseed.

As the famous quote by physicist Carl Sagan goes, “we are all made of star stuff.” The truth is, we all contain galactic DNA within us and once you dive further into this topic, you will begin to realize that it’s not so crazy after all.

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